30 years of Trio Pac

Trio Pac: 30 years of excellence in conveyor manufacturing


Date: September 15, 2023


The world of conveyor manufacturing and distribution has undergone many changes in recent decades, and one company has played a leading role in this transformation in Quebec: Trio Pac. Today, we're proudly celebrating 30 years of existence for a company that started out small and has grown to become a major player in the conveyor industry.

Modest beginnings

It all began in 1992, when Stéphane Pilon, Mario Couture and François Brunet decided to turn their dream into reality by founding Trio Pac. At the time, the company was a small operation with a big vision. The founders quickly realized that to succeed in the world of conveyor manufacturing, you had to innovate and offer high-quality solutions. It was this philosophy that set Trio Pac apart from the start.

Constant growth

Over the years, Trio Pac has grown steadily thanks to its commitment to excellence and its ability to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers. The company has expanded its product range to include a variety of conveyors tailored to customer requirements. This diversification has enabled Trio Pac to become a one-stop shop for companies seeking to optimize their production operations.

Remarks by Stéphane Pilon, President of Trio Pac

Stéphane Pilon, President of Trio Pac, reflects on how far the company has come: "We're incredibly proud to be celebrating 30 years of innovation, growth and success. Our company has always been focused on customer satisfaction and creating superior solutions. It's this commitment that has enabled us to build strong relationships with our customers and become an industry leader."

The importance of innovation

Trio Pac has also set itself apart by investing in research and development. The company has constantly innovated to improve product performance and develop new technologies. This commitment to innovation has enabled Trio Pac to remain at the forefront of the industry and to meet the increasingly complex technological challenges of its customers.

Comments from Mario Couture, Vice President, Trio Pac

Mario Couture, Vice President of the company, shares his thoughts on Trio Pac's success: "We've always had a dedicated team who share our vision of offering cutting-edge solutions to our customers. Our growth would not have been possible without them. Together, we've overcome challenges, and we look forward to taking on new challenges over the coming decades."

Vision for the future

As Trio Pac celebrates 30 years of success, the company has no intention of slowing down. Stéphane Pilon and Mario Couture's vision for the company's future is clear: to continue to innovate, meet customer needs and remain an industry leader. They are determined to maintain the company's core values while continuing to evolve with industry trends.

Congratulations to Trio Pac on 30 years of excellence in conveyor manufacturing, and we look forward to many more years of success!

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